Posted on: 25 May, 2003

Author: Sue Dyson

***************************************Watch Your Language!by Sue Dyson***************************************I am about to present to you a very valuable and often overlooked key to success. What we ... ***************************************Watch Your Language!by Sue Dyson***************************************I am about to present to you a very valuable and often overlooked key to success. What we say about ourselves will determine how we are, or what we shall become. You may have heard it over and over again, but it bears repeating. Just because we have read something doesn’t mean we know it, let alone have integrated it into our lives.Our thoughts become our words become our actions become our reality. It’s that simple. And that complex.Saying something negative about yourself does two things.1. You come to believe it and thus, live itAnd2. It confuses the heck out of the Universe - especially if you have been expressing your desire for the opposite.Our success depends on our increasing awareness of how we speak about ourselves. Rather than expressing a negative thought that pops up, consider replacing it with a positive affirmation. Let me give you 6 examples where this can make a difference. You may laugh at some of these, but I think you’ll get the idea!Instead of : "I am so out of shape"Say: "I am strong and healthy"Instead of: "I am an emotional wreck"Say: "I accept my emotional challenges, knowing I am growing"Instead of: "I’m a loser with no friends"Say: "I value my alone time as a chance to know myself better"Instead of: "I’m stupid"Say: "I learn something new everyday"Instead of: "I’m broke all the time"Say: "I choose to spend my financial resources wisely"Instead of: "I hate myself" (uh-oh)Say: "I love myself"Now, with affirmations, they may *feel* silly at first, but you don’t need to say them out loud for them to work. Said consistently, the positive affirmation becomes a belief. This belief will cause you to act in a certain way. This new action becomes your *new*, desired and wired for success, reality.So what are you really saying about yourself? Source: Free Articles from