Posted on: 22 April, 2015

Author: Gillian Andale

Personally, I have strong feelings about the following: certain marriages and second marriages should never happen; some spouses can grow in two diverse ways, yet stay together too long or gradual... Personally, I have strong feelings about the following: Moreover, I believe there are two important events in our life that we not given nearly enough assistance (training), guidance or exposure to, namely: Marriage and Child Rearing.  Rarely do people specifically tells us (in a positive way) what it is like to live with someone 24/7.  We are ‘fortunate’ if our parents have (had) a continuing marriage and were good role models.  However, I do believe that what worked well for them in the last half of the 20th century may no longer work for us in the 21st century. If couples are really meant for each other, then how can we stop the ‘stuff’ that gets in the way and chokes the relationship?  With all the self-help, self-analyses and ‘journeys’ that we are on, let’s look at seven keys that will improve your relationship: With second or multiple marriages or marriage later in life, all is magnified and increased.  This is partly because of lifestyles which are more complicated and have already been established such as: vocations, readymade families, financial investments / liabilities, assets, and extended families. In addition, it is also partly because of our ideals, goals, opinions and needs being far more established and much harder to assimilate.  All of these causes are fertile grounds for probable battle.  In my eBook series, I have shared much more in-depth help for couples who want to develop their relationship for the better. Relationships have transformed over recent times and have become substantially more complex; however when you strip it all away, the core is still the same: So remember these three items, and the seven keys above, next time your partner drives you insane!  Even though how we approach our relationships or considerations for second marriages needs to be different, what we pursue hasn’t changed for thousands of years.         Source: Free Articles from Author and experienced relationship coach, Gillian Andale is the owner of Love2Last, a coaching and resource centre dedicated to couples who have found love again, want a new beginning and aim to strengthen and grow their relationship as well as need help in blended family situations.  Visit to browse and see the wealth of information available.